Alumeco Group Presentation #1
English version
Alumeco Group Presentation #2
German version
Cut to Length - Coswig
German version
Cut to Length
English version
Alumeco Finland Esittelyvideo
Alumeco Service Coswig
General presentation
Sawing Special Profiles
Quick and efficient
Sawing Aluminium Bars: 6026
Old sawing machine
Stainless Steel Look
Aluminium with Stainless Steel Look
Block sawing
Different sawing ranges
Sawing Aluminium Thick Plates
Sawing Aluminium Sheets
Sawing Aluminium Bars
New sawing machine
Laser cutting
Turret punching
Robot and Manual welding
Packing Aluminium Plates
The right way
High Racks at Alumeco
For profiles and plates
Profile Sawing
Profile Bending
Plate Rolling
Press Brakes
Profile Milling
Find out how Aluminium is recycled
Die for aluminium extrusion
How the die is prepared.
Water Damage
Before and After damage
Riveted Alucobond plates
SZ 20 panels
Tray panels hooked on bolts
Alucobond bending process
Alucobond CNC processing
Alucobond routing and folding technique
Production of tray panels
Alucobond countour cutting
Alucobond sawing
Alucobond punching
Plancast Plus Eloxx alloy 5754
Case with JJ Mechatronic
Aluminium plates for facade
Nielsen & Nielsen
Making carports in aluminium
Marine Case
Supplying aluminium shates for manufacturing fast military boats

German Aluminium Catalogue
Complete Standard Range

Finnish Aluminium Catalogue
Complete Standard Range

Danish Version
Et produkt klar til brug

English version
A product ready for use

Swedish Version
En produkt färdig att använda

Norwegian Version
Et produkt klar til bruk

German Aluminium Catalogue
Ein einsatzfähiges Produkt ohne weitere Bearbeitung

Dutch Version
Platen precies op maat en klaar voor gebruik

Finnish Version
Levyt valmiiksi tuotantosi mitoilla

Polish Version
Materiał gotowy do użycia

Czech Version
Plechy jsou přímo připraveny ke zpracování

Lithuanian Version
naudojimui paruoštas produktas

Aluminium Special Profiles - Danish Version
Danish version

Tolerancer for profiler
Håndbog for normerne

Tolerances for profiles
Handbook for norms

Booklet with our best cases
Booklet with our best cases

Transportprofiler vers.1.12

Copper Catalogue in english
Complete copper catalogue in english

Bronze Catalogue in english
Complete Standard Range

Brass Catalogue in english
Complete Standard Range

Metalcenter Customized Solutions

Ingots catalogue in english


Plates DK

Shates (DK)

Anodized Plates (DK)

DDQ Plates (DK)

Painted Plates (DK)

Stucco (DK)

Tread Plates (DK)

Coils (DK)

Bars (DK)

L Profile (DK)

Round Tube (DK)

Square Tube (DK)

T Profile (DK)

Fladprofiler (DK)


Technical Data (DK)

Plates UK

Shates UK

Anodized Plates UK

DDQ Plates UK

Painted Plates UK

Stucco UK

Tread Plates UK

Coils UK

Bars UK

L Profile UK

Round Tube UK

Square Tube UK

T Profile UK

Fladprofiler UK

Uprofiles UK

Technical Data UK

Plates NL

Shates NL

Anodized Plates NL

DDQ Plates NL

Painted Plates NL

Stucco NL

Tread Plates NL

Coils NL

Bars NL

L Profile NL

Round Tube NL

Plates SE

Shates SE

Anodized Plates SE

DDQ Plates SE

Painted Plates SE

Stucco SE

Tread Plates SE

Coils SE

Bars SE

L Profile SE

Round Tube SE

Square Tube SE

T Profile SE

Fladprofiler SE

Uprofiles SE

Technical Data SE

Plates NO

Shates NO

Anodized Plates NO

DDQ Plates NO

Painted Plates NO

Stucco NO

Tread Plates NO

Coils NO

Bars NO

L Profile NO

Round Tube NO

Square Tube NO

T Profile NO

Fladprofiler NO

Uprofiles NO

Technical Data NO

Plates POL

Shates POL

Anodized Plates POL

DDQ Plates POL

Painted Plates POL

Stucco POL

Tread Plates POL

Coils POL

Bars POL

L Profile POL

Round Tube POL

Square Tube POL

T Profile POL

Flatprofiles POL

Uprofiles POL

Technical Data POL

Plates CZ

Shates CZ

Anodized Plates CZ

DDQ Plates CZ

Painted Plates CZ

Stucco CZ

Tread Plates CZ

Coils CZ

Bars CZ

L Profile CZ

Round Tube CZ

Square Tube CZ

T Profile CZ

Fladprofiler CZ

Uprofiles CZ

Technical Data CZ

Plates LT

Shates LT

Anodized Plates LT

DDQ Plates LT

Painted Plates LT

Stucco LT

Tread Plates LT

Coils LT

Bars LT

L Profile LT

Round Tube LT

Square Tube LT

T Profile LT

Fladprofiler LT

Uprofiles LT

Technical Data LT

Alloy choice DK

Alloy usage DK